World University Netball Championship Selection

Here comes for another tournament for this early Spring season. This time is for netball championship selection only. If there's another  championship , we would post it as commonly it is supposed to. Back on past 27 January until 28 January, our TPMC's netball team had undergone a selection for netball  championship  which was located in Sport Centre, Malaya University. This including 15 participants and two managers as the registered and finalist of the interviewed participants from TPMC's student itself.
The persons who has been in charge for this event were Andi Rosnita Kandi as the general manager, Nur Sabrina Norhashim as the team manager and Nurul Husna Zubaidi as the team leader.

Below is the brief summarization on how the scenery depicted.
On 27 January, Friday, 3 o'clock, our bus departed from TPM College to Sport Center, Malaya University. As soon as arrived, in Malaya University, our TPMC netball team had been registered by Nurul Farah Farhana as the team leader representative. The game was begun on half past four in late afternoon until five o'clock in the evening. That was for the first day. Second day in the early of eight o'clock until three o'clock.

The tournament was well planned and simple progressed. Apart from registration session, team division, marking, the referees, courts also the first aid emergency team all were in effective collaboration. Easy rule, easy play, easy win..! 

During the selection, our TPMC's team had struggled all the way out to conquer all the matches with high  spirit sport plus the enormous commitment in each player itself. But perhaps luck was not in ours that time. Our team had failed to qualify for the next round but with the sport courage and commitment in netball game, we pretty sure our team will play better and capable to endure the rain in the future, in sya Allah!  